What Was Easter Week Like for Jesus?
March 22, 2013
This coming Sunday begins a Very Big Week for Christians. Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday is the triumph not only of Jesus Christ, but of our lives as now intertwined with his. This week is the triumph of our faith.
But some of the power of this story gets lost in our familiarity with it, lost to us because we know it so well. It's a bit like watching a movie you love...for the 42nd time.
I find myself wondering...
What was this week like for Jesus, internally? How did he experience it, as a man? Gethsemene makes it very, very clear that Jesus felt all of this not as a superhero, but as a human being. What was it like for him, whose heart is the greatest heart of all?
Staring this Sunday, our special Easter week podcasts take you on a journey through this week from the perspective of the inner life of Jesus. Why did he leave Jerusalem every evening, walking the two miles back to Bethany to spend the night? What was the cursing of the fig tree all about? I'm fascinated by his tears over Jerusalem, and also his stern warnings about the end of the age. I hope you can join me as we explore the greatest week any man every lived...from the viewpoint of his own internal world.
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