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Back In The Saddle

Craig McConnell

April 23, 2008

So… “little buster”; my friend,favorite disco dancer and Wild at Heart colleague Morgan is getting back in the saddle after a hiatus of several years. He got bucked off a horse four summers ago when the two of us went to Alaska to lead a retreat for a group of collegians on a summer discipleship project. We hiked into a remote river, fished for 72 hours straight (King Salmon & Midnight Sun) hiked out and then sat in a hot unventilated sterile room and took in a session or two of Morgan teaching. Do I need to say we were spent… exhausted… wasted… fried… and so, while Morgan was sharing the deep things of his heart, mind and soul we, everyone of us, collectively fell asleep. That experience would make anyone skittish to step back into the role of public-speaker-wise-teacher-sage-Mr. Smarty pants.

But it’s time.

The two of us venture off today, and fly into Toronto (via the cursed O’Hare) and then drive up to a retreat center in Muskoka, Ontario. We’re throwing together some of our thoughts to describe the journey and transforming impact of walking with Christ. We haven’t done this before and therein lies the reason for this note. Please ask God to open our ears, eyes and hearts to all he would have us do and say… as we drive the 2-3 hours from the airport to the facility, as we speak Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Pray for both of us… for joy, redemption, wisdom, words, courage and grace… for our safe and on-time-without-delay flights… for God to show up big time!

Oh Lord we consecrate ourselves, this time, the facility and every man attending to you and your purposes. Come Jesus, come for everyman. AND for our wives and children… May they be hidden in Christ… safe, guarded, loved.


You can bet we’ll have some stories to share.

Thank you - Craig McConnell

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