

So, I try and call my parents every Sunday. We live states apart. (Actually, we live worlds apart, making even a phone call kind of weird.) So over the years we’ve kind of fallen to Sunday evenings as the best time to catch up. I think a lot of people do this. Call your parents Sunday.

But then you know what happens.

Life gets busy. I travel all weekend and get home late and just don’t have the energy to call. Or, some friends invite us to dinner and the evening slips away and suddenly it’s too late to call. The same thing happens the following week. Then I feel guilty. I’ve missed two weeks. Which makes me hesitant to call because I’m ashamed I haven’t called my parents. Suddenly three weeks go by and it becomes really hard to pick up the phone because you’ve got to start with the apologies and the explanations. It’s hard to get back on track.

Now I have blog shame.

I know I’m not the faithful blogger. Life sweeps in, sweeps me away, and I forget. Then, I have SO many flippin stories to tell of so many ways God is working I don’t know which one to share. My brain overloads. Two (or three) weeks go by and blog shame begins to set in, making it even harder to blog. “Hi, it’s me. I know, we haven’t talked in awhile. The kids have been sick and I’ve been on the road but I’ve been meaning to call and well…how are you?”

So, this is my act to overcome blog shame.

There. I blogged. I’m even feeling better. I won’t wait so long next time.


About John

John Eldredge is an author (you probably figured that out), a counselor, and a teacher. He is also president of Wild at Heart, a ministry devoted to helping people discover the heart of God, recover their own hearts in God's love, and learn to live in God's Kingdom. John met his wife, Stasi, in high school.... READ MORE

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