

There are places I remember
All my life, though some have changed,
Some forever, not for better,
Some have gone and some remain.
All these places had their moments,
With lovers and friends I still can recall,
Some are dead and some are living,
In my life I've loved them all. – “In My Life”, The Beatles

I found myself singing this song today… fondly, in most cases, remembering some of the names and faces of friends who have moved in and then out of our lives. It was like looking through your High School Annual and wondering as you turned the pages, “I wonder what every became of Jerry Gorvitski… or Doris Ward?” People you grew up with, some you hated, some you loved, looking back, others seem like extras in some young story beginning to unfold. I thought of Barry, Laurie, Jim, Ron, former colleagues, friends and neighbors. There were a few names I passed over quickly… and sadly, for the transition from close friend/colleague to a “memory” was painful, messy or poorly done.

Several things surfaced.

I hope and live and love well. I think I do… “Do I Lord?”

There are still people to forgive, and issues of residual bitterness for me to deal with in a few relationships. “Lord, guide me in forgiveness. I long to be a forgiving man”.

Looking around at all the faces, stories and names that surround me now… I thank God for so many wonderful people in my life. I am a blessed man.

“Thank you God for how you’ve used people in my life to bless me, to expose me and invite me into a holier, more loving life. May I savor and love those in my life now, May I forgive those who have hurt me. Lord, I love you!”



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