Growing up, I loved Valentine’s Day!  I liked decorating a shoe box to hold my classmates mandatory valentine’s that were sure to come during the party held at school that afternoon.  I loved coming in from recess and finding a pretty napkin with a heart shaped cookie on it.  (These were the days before mention of peanut allergies, wheat allergies, dairy allergies, or a personal conviction against holidays.)  It was a welcome break from the monotony of the normal school day.  Hooray!


When I would get home from school, my mom would have made a special dessert – something pink and pretty.  And on my bed would be a card from her – and a little gift; like a new pair of socks or a pretty pen.  Her card would have shimmer to it.  I loved the sparkly writing and the beauty of her handwriting.  “I love you!” – Mom.


My sons call Valentine’s Day “Single Awareness Day” and my husband hates the pressure to come through with some record breaking day of romantic bliss.  I don’t care.  I still love it.


When my sons were in grade school I would go ALL OUT decorating for it the night before while they slept.  We’re talking large red cupids, red, pink and white hearts – and yes streamers!  Yes to the pretty dessert and valentine’s cards.  And pink breakfasts.


Ok, was I trying to recapture something here from my childhood.  Yes.  But sooo?


I don’t like so much going out to dinner with John on Happy Heart Day, though.  I feel the pressure to be amazing and beautiful and sit up straight and hold my knife and fork just so and it’s kind of distracting.  And detracting.  For the past few years, John and I either eat something special at home (with attendant sons) or go out on another night!


But back to loving Valentine’s Day.  Back to embracing the pink and the doilies and the heart shaped everything….


To me, it’s a day to celebrate all those I love.  Yes, my husband.  Absolutely my children.  But my wonderful girlfriends too.  With the silly joy of it!  The sparkly shimmer of it!  Hooray for Love!


I’ve wanted to have an all girls Valentine’s Day Party for so long.  Sadly, it’s a busy time of year and the desire remains unfulfilled.  But it would be very schmaltzy and rosy and delicious and girly.  And we would laugh and eat and drink and be merry and worship.  Worship our Truest Valentine.  Worship Love Himself.  Worship Jesus.  Thank Him for pursuing us, for choosing us, for romancing us, for loving us.


So all by myself, I am going to do that part at least.  We could all do that part!  And eat something pink!  And heart shaped.


Happy Valentine’s Day!  You are so very loved.



About Stasi

Stasi Eldredge loves writing and speaking to women about the goodness of God. She spent her childhood years in Prairie Village, Kansas, for which she is truly grateful. Her family moved to Southern California back in the really bad smog days when she was ten. She loved theatre and acting and took a partiality to her now husband John...READ MORE

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