

"I will sing of your love and justice;

  to you, O LORD, I will sing praise.

I will be careful to lead a blameless life -

 when will you come to me?

I will walk in my house

 with a blameless heart."  Psalm 101:1,2

I want to lead a blameless life.  I want to live a life of love.  I want Jesus.  I want to love him and carry his love to every single person in my life.  In my house.  In my work.  In my grocery store.  But guess what? I'm not.


I was pondering the above verses the other morning and feeling hopeless.  Helpless.  Even when I try to live well and walk with God, I don't do it perfectly.  (What?  You, too?)  I fail people.  They get hurt.  So then what? Beyond asking for forgiveness and accepting the reality that I have clay feet...then what? What do I do with the sorrow inside?

The answer once again is found in Jesus.  The hope of Jesus Christ.  He is blameless.  He is perfect.  He loves well and perfectly and with cunning and wisdom and untold magnificence one hundred percent of the time.  100%.  Holy.  Always!  And he is the only one.

As a believer, I can imagine the arrows of accusation coming against my heart - the accusation that is fueled by the enemy and wholly untrue AND the accusation that may be fueled by the enemy but is founded in reality - and picture them passing by me and going straight into the cross.  Jesus paid for that too.  He knows.  He took care of that.  He is not turning his face away...ever.

There is mercy.  There is grace.  It's so good to offer it to ourselves.  AND to offer it to the people who fail us - or those we love.  To choose to obey Christ and think the best of others.  To pray blessing and favor and more of Jesus for everyone.  Those we hurt.  Those who hurt us or others.  For ourselves.

I am humbled and grateful.  I will get it right one day...perfectly.  When I am transformed perfectly into the image of my King.  That is my destiny and it is yours.  And we are on our way.

Thank you, Jesus.  Please come.


About Stasi

Stasi Eldredge loves writing and speaking to women about the goodness of God. She spent her childhood years in Prairie Village, Kansas, for which she is truly grateful. Her family moved to Southern California back in the really bad smog days when she was ten. She loved theatre and acting and took a partiality to her now husband John...READ MORE

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