My husband John is a health food nut, er…advocate, er…aficionado…umm, person from way back.  Thirty-five years ago, before it was even remotely cool, he was a nutritionist at a tiny little health food store called The Carob Tree.  He doesn’t merely believe that eating healthily is the best thing to do, he actually likes it.  You would think that after having been married for over thirty years to this man more of his healthiness would have rubbed off on me, but, well…it hasn’t.  Darn.


See, I care what things taste like.  I won’t drink the lawn clippings all ground up in the blender with organic acaia no matter how good it is for you.  But John…well, he is another story.  Taste comes second.  He likes things that are good for him.  Go figure.  His body can tell if it’s benefitting him or not at the first swallow.


Point of fact:  the very first time I made pesto (with walnuts not pine nuts because though fabulous, do you know how much pine nuts cost?  They’re like the price of gold.), John took one bite and spit it out shouting to our sons, “Don’t eat it!  It’ll make you sick!”


Walnuts apparently go rancid if you leave them in the cupboard for years.  Who knew?


Anyway, he’s healthy.  Yesterday I did some shopping and he had requested certain items.  As in “blueberry hemp snacks”.  Really.  These not only exist but my husband wants them.  So, I’m at Whole Foods, in the right section, searching searching searching.  I’m searching for like ten minutes because I’ve been dropping the ball here lately (but that’s another story) and I am committed to bringing home the right “snack” and I couldn’t find them.  I couldn’t find them because it’s chaos in there.  Those shelves are full of unimaginable untasty healthy things. I took a photo.


And then, God be praised, I found them!  In my excitement, I yelled with joy, “I found it!”  A woman was standing half way down the aisle smiled at me and said “Congratulations!” Hah!


I found it.  Yes, yes, I did.  Remember the bumper sticker?  This is my segway by the way in case you’re not following the flow.  Remember the “I Found It” bumper stickers from years gone by?  They were quickly followed by the “I Never Lost It” bumper stickers and a number of other jokes but hey, when you find what you are looking for, what you knew you wanted all along but was hidden to you, what will make you happy, save your soul, save your LIFE…announcing your Good News to the world makes utter sense.


I Found It.  I found the snacks yesterday but thirty five years ago I found Jesus.  Rather, he found me!  HOORAY!!!!!  You may congratulate me if you like.  Better still, if he’s found you too, let’s find a way this week to share this amazing wonder with someone who is still searching searching searching.




About Stasi

Stasi Eldredge loves writing and speaking to women about the goodness of God. She spent her childhood years in Prairie Village, Kansas, for which she is truly grateful. Her family moved to Southern California back in the really bad smog days when she was ten. She loved theatre and acting and took a partiality to her now husband John...READ MORE

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