Stasi Eldredge's book "Free to Be Me" helps teen girls become the young women God created them to be.



Most little girls at some point dream of living in a fairy tale. The big surprise when we grow up is not that the fairy tale was a myth but that it is far more dangerous than we thought. We do live in a fairy tale, but it often seems as if both the dragon and the wicked witch are winning. (Sometimes we feel that we are the dragon—that’s the internal monthly battle, usually around week three.) But let me say with utmost seriousness, there is a battle going on around us every single moment of our waking and sleeping. The external landscape that we share is in the midst of a battle not only between good and evil but between life and death. Fire and ice. Beauty and terror. Pain and healing. Intertwined.  


The good news is that Life wins out.

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