My youngest son and his girlfriend are making us dinner.  In my kitchen.  Right now!  And I don’t have to do ANYTHING!!!!  I’m not even going to set the table!  Oh, okay, fine, I’ll offer to set the table.  But that’s it!  No salad to make or anything.  I’m so happy.


Plus it’s risotto they’re making, and I never ever make risotto because you have to stand there and stir it for like ever, and being a patient woman is not one of my strengths.  I think eating risotto that someone else made may be one of my strengths, though.  I’ll find out soon.


So, there are benefits to having them get older.  I’m trying to be positive here.  My middle son moved away last week.  My older son and his wife move across the country in a few days and my youngest, risotto-making son leaves a few days after them.


If you hear wailing on the wind, that would be me.  Last year was our first as “empty nesters.”  I was kind of hoping that this second “leaving” would be less painful, but by the way my eyes keep filling with tears, I think I was wrong.


I’m so glad that our God understands deeply the pain of partings.  I am so grateful that he hates goodbyes as much as I do.  But I am coming to know that goodbyes precede hellos.  So, I will lean into my Father’s great heart where my heart is known, welcomed, loved and understood.  He can be the pillow for my tears.  And in his comfort, I will remember this sweet moment of having dinner made for me…and know…really, really know…that even more sweet moments are coming.


About Stasi

Stasi Eldredge loves writing and speaking to women about the goodness of God. She spent her childhood years in Prairie Village, Kansas, for which she is truly grateful. Her family moved to Southern California back in the really bad smog days when she was ten. She loved theatre and acting and took a partiality to her now husband John...READ MORE

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