

I love to worship God.  (As much as I love it, you'd think I'd be spending more time doing it.  Well...I'm going to!)  Our God loves it when we spend time simply adoring him!  Shifting the gaze of my heart onto his beauty and goodness and away from the clamoring of my world refreshes my soul like nothing else.  That said, I wanted to share with you some of my current favorite worship songs, songs that help to usher me into his Presence.  Here's my playlist for May!

Enjoy!  God will enjoy it, too!

Beautiful Things - Gungor - Beautiful Things
Suddenly - Daniel Bashta - The Invisible
Just Give Me Jesus - Daniel Bashta - The Invisible
One Thirst (feat. Jeremy Riddle & Steffany Frizzell) Bethel Live - Be Lifted High 
Waiting Here for You (Live) Christy Nockels - Passion - Here for You (Deluxe Edition) 
You Know Me (feat. Steffany Frizzell) Bethel Music & Steffany Frizzell -The Loft Sessions (Deluxe Edition)
How He Loves Us - Will Reagan and Laura Hackett - Hold On
Closer (feat. Steffany Frizzell-Gretzinger) [Live] Bethel Live - For the Sake of the World 
The Fragrance of Your Name - Cory Asbury-Holy
Behold the Lamb - Daniel Bashta - The Invisible
Yeshua (Live) Will Reagan & United Pursuit - Live At the Banks House
Great I AM - Jared Anderson
Okay—there are a zillion more that I love but I will stop here.  And in a month or so, I'll share again!!!


About Stasi

Stasi Eldredge loves writing and speaking to women about the goodness of God. She spent her childhood years in Prairie Village, Kansas, for which she is truly grateful. Her family moved to Southern California back in the really bad smog days when she was ten. She loved theatre and acting and took a partiality to her now husband John...READ MORE

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