Daily Reading

Triumph and Victory

August 27, 2023

Warfare prayer is not a “back-up” category when all else fails. It is not a specialty form of prayer for the uniquely called or gifted. Yes — there are some who become “experts” in this field, just as there are some who become especially trained to heal or to preach the gospel. But we are all called to preach the gospel; we are all called to resist the enemy. You are living out your daily life in the context of war. The men and women who choose to equip themselves and become practiced in warfare prayer are the ones who enjoy the greatest freedom and breakthrough — the “glorious freedom of the children of God” (Rom. 8:21).
In fact, by choosing to rule in this category of reality (there is a way things work), you will discover a wonderful surprise — all those passages in Scripture that shout with praises of triumph and victory, all those hallelujahs with fireworks going off will suddenly make sense to you:
I will give thanks to you, lord, with all my heart; 
I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.
I will be glad and rejoice in you;
 I will sing the praises of your name, O Most High.
My enemies turn back; 
they stumble and perish before you. (Ps. 9:1–3)
These fabulous passages—and there are thousands in both the Old and New Testament—they have been a puzzle and irritation to most postmodern Christians. Until they discover the reality of the war, and the power of wielding the triumph of Christ and his authority. Then they begin singing and praising like this! The experience is like discovering the missing chapters to your story.

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