Daily Reading

The Power That Sustains Us

March 16, 2025

John's new book, Experience Jesus. Really., is available now – order your copy today!

Jesus sustains all creation by the mighty power of his command. Obviously, or Satan would have torn all creation to pieces long ago. Jesus—through whom all things were made—is currently, at this moment, holding all things together; he sustains all creation. The love, forbearance, and patience of this is breathtaking—the tenderness and care, not to mention the mighty power of it!

The Gospel is good news because the healing of our fragmented souls is available in Christ anywhere, anytime, to anyone in the world. “Through him all things were made and without him nothing was made that has been made.”

Including you. Jesus Christ was intimately involved in your creation. He knows everything about you. That is why he can be so essential in our healing. He is the Integrating Center of all things, including your very being. As the fourth-century mystic Athanasius wrote in his beautiful essay On the Incarnation,

The renewal of creation has been wrought by the self-same Word Who made it in the beginning.

The Word of God came in His own Person, because it was he alone, the Image of the Father, Who could recreate man after the Image.

Salvation is re-creation. Such hope is contained in this simple idea. As the twentieth-century mystic Leanne Payne repeated over and over again, “The soul is healed through union with Christ.”

The mystic says, This is the answer to everything! O Jesus—re-create all things in me.

Want More? Order your copy of Experience Jesus. Really. today
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