Daily Reading

The Cross

March 29, 2024

Most people assume that the Cross is the total work of Christ. The two go hand in hand in our minds — Jesus Christ and the Cross; the Cross and Jesus Christ. The Resurrection is impressive, but kind of ... an afterthought. It was needed, of course, to get him out of the grave. Or the Resurrection is important because it proves Jesus was the Son of God. His death was the real work on our behalf. The Resurrection is like an epilogue to the real story; the extra point after the touchdown; the medal ceremony after the Olympic event. You can see which we think is more important. What image do we put on our churches, our Bibles, on jewelry? The cross is the symbol of Christianity worldwide. However ...

The cross was never meant to be the only or even the central symbol of Christianity.

That you are shocked by what I’ve just said only proves how far we’ve strayed from the faith of the New Testament. The cross is not the sole focal point of Christianity. Paul says so himself: “If Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith ... If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins” (1 Cor. 15:14, 17).

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