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Daily Reading

Say No to Bondage

God has given each of us an inheritance in Christ. Jesus came that we might have life and life to the full. When we get into relationships with people or institutions or into patterns of behavior or addictions that are not God’s highest for us, they get in the way of our being able to receive what God has for us. We are to deal strongly with areas of bondage in our life. We are not to make excuses for them but cast them out. Make them leave. We say no to bondage, no to mocking spirits, no to accusing spirits. We say no — fiercely and firmly to any accusation that we are (fill in the blank — what are you accused of being?) unloving, disqualified, stuck, mean, unforgiving, lacking in faith, lacking in beauty, or lacking— period. And we say yes to God and yes to what he has spoken over our life. Yes to his promises.

Like Isaac, you have a God-given inheritance. You have a destiny. You are a daughter. You are also a bride. You are a coheir with Christ. Your inheritance in Christ is freedom and life and joy and every good gift. Your inheritance is victory and a heart that is not striving or filled with fear but at rest. It’s holiness and happiness and peace. Your inheritance includes having peace in your soul no matter what is going on in your life. As we walk toward our freedom, we walk toward who we are becoming.
It begins with an internal choice.

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