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Daily Reading

Relational Specialist

Eve is God’s relational specialist given to the world to keep relationship a priority.
Men have a way of letting these things slip. They’ll go months without checking in on the health of their relationships. Years, even. And the World simply uses people, then spits them out when they are worn out and no longer “on top of their game.” Our Enemy despises relationship, hates love in any form, fears its redemptive power. This is why God sent Eve. Women are needed to protect relationships, bring them back to center stage where they belong. You might at times feel like the only one who cares. But as women we must hang on to this—that because of the Trinity, relationship is the most important thing in the universe. Let us not give way or yield our intuitive sense of the importance of relationship for anything.
It is here, starting in our circles of intimacy, that we are first and foremost women. It is here that we must first turn our gaze to ask, “What does it look like to offer my Beauty, my fierce devotion, my love? How do they need me to be their ezer?” You have an irreplaceable role in your relationships. No one can be to the people in your life who you can be to them. No one can offer what you can offer. There are many things God calls us to do, but loving well always comes first. And don’t your relationships feel opposed? Of course. They must be fought for.
Satan knew that to take out Adam, all he had to do was take out Eve—his ezer kenegdo. It worked rather well, and he has not abandoned the basic plan ever since. Your place in the world as God’s heart for relationship is vital. All the Enemy has to do to destroy people’s lives is to get them isolated, a lamb separated from the flock. To do this he removes the ezers in their life. He makes a woman feel like, What do I have to offer, really? They’re probably doing fine. Don’t you believe it for a moment. You have been sent by the Trinity on behalf of love, of relationships. Fight for them.

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