Daily Reading

It Worked!

December 20, 2023

The angel was joined by a vast host of others—the armies of heaven—praising God and saying, “Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.”  (Luke 2:13–14 NLT)

As I reflect upon the mystery of the incarnation, and the great invasion of the kingdom that began under cover of darkness in a remote village in the Middle East, so many wonders flood my heart. The wild plan of God to come the way he did, where he did, when he did, as he did. The great battle in the heavens. The immense cost. The staggering series of events that began to unfold. It really is breathtaking, more than any other story ever told.

But above all, what I wanted to offer you this Christmas is this one simple thought: It worked.

God came for you, and all that he planned and all he intended in Jesus Christ has come true. The rule of evil has been broken. You are ransomed. Your life is now filled with the life of God. The kingdom of God has broken through. Redemption is unfolding all over the earth, and will come to a glorious climax with the return of Jesus. Sin no longer reigns over you. Restoration is yours, now. And so many other glories.
It worked. Hold on to that truth this Christmas, dear friend.

This glorious victory needs to be celebrated! How can you celebrate this wonderful truth today?

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