Daily Reading

Believing God

December 8, 2023

Believing God is good in the midst of waiting is incredibly hard. Believing God is good in the midst of immense sorrow, loss, or pain is even more difficult. Those are the times that our faith, the treasure of our hearts, is tested by fire and becomes gold. What we come to know of God and the terrain he comes to inhabit in our hearts through the trial leads people to say, “I wouldn’t change a thing.” That’s the crazy, supernatural realm of God. 

I know that there have been many times when God didn’t answer your prayers in the way you wanted or in the timing you wanted. But what he did in the end was far better. Even if the “far better” was your coming to depend on him more deeply through the travail. 

All of us are living lives that are wondrous and filled with heartaches. That is real. I can only imagine what you are living in … waiting for … longing for … weeping for. Holding on to your faith for. I know what I am living in. Gold is being forged. Priceless, immeasurable gold. To paraphrase Philip Yancey: faith believes ahead of time what can only be seen by looking back. There will come a day when we will look back and understand. But in the waiting, may God strengthen our hearts to hold on to his.

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