Daily Reading

Becoming Students of Who We’ve Become

March 13, 2024

Today’s Daily Reading is an excerpt from Morgan Snyder's book “Becoming a King”

The context of the journey of deliverance from the false self and restoration of the true self is unique, but the process is universal. It begins with awareness. The first step to becoming true is becoming aware of the false.

Who am I in my false self?
What version of myself do I present to the world as a mask to self-protect?
What is my effect on people?
What do people feel when they are around me?

You’ll want to get to know the false self and get very familiar with him. We must become students of the person — the self — we have become. We must watch the false self at work and see how he expresses his self-protection by avoiding shame and acting out of fear through his predominant style of relating. We must become keen observers of his impact on others and how that relates to the story of their souls, so we might allow God to continually expose the parts of our heart and our soul that have yet to be integrated into wholeness. Only by coming to know the false self can you engage in the slow and steady process of putting him to death so that the true man might be resurrected in his place. It is only in consenting to the excavation of the masculine soul that we can become the kind of man and the kind of king within whom God can build a lasting kingdom.

To put to death the false self and invite God to restore the true self is the gate along the narrow path that can lead us deeper to coming to know the man God made us to be. Let us venture around the next turn along the ancient path and wonder together about this hidden treasure that can be found only through participating in God’s excavation of our masculine soul.

Want more? Order your copy of Becoming a King today
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