Daily Reading

Arranging Our Days

January 20, 2024

Today’s Daily Reading is an excerpt from Morgan Snyder's book Becoming a King:

How we arrange our days and spend our time is central to becoming the kind of king to whom God can entrust his creative power. It is this slow and steady exercise — or better said, consistent practicing over time — that produces the kind of king God intends us to become.

What is the relationship between the kind of human Jesus was on earth and how he spent his time? We can draw from several foundational truths expressed through his life. 

We know he spent time in solitude.

We can infer that he spent time in study, given his upbringing as a Jewish man and his agility with the Scriptures.

We know he spent lots of time outdoors.

We know he spent time with his close friends.

We know he spent time fasting and feasting.

We know he willingly offers himself as our Teacher.

Therefore, is it possible that learning from Jesus how to spend our time could be transformative in the process of our becoming?

Want more? Order your copy of Becoming a King today
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