Daily Reading

Valuable to God

Stasi Eldredge's book "Free to Be Me" helps teen girls become the young women God created them to be.
My experiences with the opposite sex in middle school and high school weren’t so great. When I was fifteen, I was thrilled when a young man noticed me and asked me out on a date. I didn’t know then how much I was looking to the guy to validate me as a young woman. If he wanted me, then I must be worth wanting. If he thought I was pretty, then maybe I was. I handed over the report card of my life to the guy, and that was a bad move. Actually, it’s a bad move to hand over the report card on who you are to anyone, girl or guy, friend or parent. The only person who has the right to tell you who you are and how valuable you are is God. And he has spoken. 
Another mistake I made in high school, and many of my friends made it too, was to shift too much power to the guys while robbing it from the girls. What did this or that guy think, say, do, ask? Those were the engrossing questions. Girlfriends were sacrificed on the altar of “I’ve got a boyfriend now.” Friendships that may have lasted for years were set aside in the interest of a relationship with a guy that may have lasted barely a few months or even days. Something inside of too many of us handed away our self-worth to the cutest guy who made our heart skip a beat. Yikes. Treasure your girlfriends. Those friendships have the potential to last a lot longer and ultimately matter a lot more than the romances do.

Want more? Order your copy of Free to Be Me today
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