Daily Reading

Standing On My Own

August 17, 2023

The book “Killing Lions” is a conversation between John and Sam Eldredge about the trials young men face.

  One of the best feelings I had as a young man was cutting the ties I had to you and Mom financially. I mean, I was grateful for your help in college, but I couldn’t stand being dependent afterward. There is something innate in me that knows I am meant to handle things on my own. Maybe it’s even a primal sense that I should be capable of putting food on the table. Whatever it is, financially standing on my own is a core need for me to feel like a man.

[John]  Right—so we have left the question of money aside and focused on labor, and we find that honest work and its fruits are very good things. This is crucial in the move from boy to man. Money forces us to grow up; it is a constant dose of reality, and reality is a gift from God. It has this marvelous way of grounding us.

Want more? Order your copy of Killing Lions today
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