Daily Reading

Ready for Anything, Anywhere

May 16, 2024

Today’s Daily Reading is an excerpt from Morgan Snyder's book “Becoming a King”

Whatever else we observe about the life of Jesus, we know this to be true: at every moment, Jesus modeled what it looks like to live as God’s Son. It was the bedrock of his life that allowed him to become the cornerstone of restoration for all of mankind. It’s amazing to think that even Jesus needed to receive the validation of his Father before he launched into his life’s mission. I wonder what it was like for him to hear those words from his Father: “Son, you are the real deal. You have what it takes. I delight in you” (Matt. 3:17, my paraphrase). His Father’s constant validation was a holy reservoir from which Jesus drew strength for the rest of his days.

What might it be like, deep in our masculine soul, to live in an atmosphere of abundance? To live with an abiding expectation of goodness now and goodness around the corner? To know a profound sense of robust well-being, a sense of being provided for, protected, and fed? To experience a union with God that nothing could dissolve? What would it be like to be so restored as a son that we could become our true self? To become the kind of king, like Paul, who over time was able to live energetically rooted in God, even in the midst of hunger, shipwreck, and torture?

Now that I have been so immersed in the true nature of God and his kingdom,
now that I have thoroughly put to death the self-sufficiency and self- preservation of the false self,
now that I have been resurrected and restored to my true self,
now that I have become in my essence what God meant when he meant man,
now that I have become uniquely who God meant, when he meant me,
now that I have trained and become practiced in living a life in experiential union with God himself,
now that it is no longer the separate-I who lives but the very breath, strength,
and life of God-with-me who lives in me, I am ready for anything, anywhere.

Imagine what it would be like to receive that validation from the Father, to have that reservoir from which to drink daily. To be integrated in our masculine soul. To live in ever-increasing union with the Father.

We would become unstoppable.

Want more? Order your copy of Becoming a King today
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