Still Learning!
March 26, 2014
I am not a morning person.
Some of my favorite words to wake to are, “Your coffee is ready.” To me that means, “I love you!” Also, I have broken more than my share of carafes in the morning because, like I said, I am not a morning person. I’m actually kind of dangerous before 9:00 a.m.
So this morning, with my husband out of town and a meeting to go to at 10:00, the first thing I did was make myself some coffee.
When it should have been ready, I went to get some but found I had not poured the water into the machine. I had put the coffee in there, measured it and everything! So I tried again.
While I waited for it to brew, I got the fifty-pound bag of dog food out of the car, pulled the container it goes into out of the pantry, and poured it in. Well, most of it went in, anyway. Let’s just say Oban was happy.
Once the container was out of the closet, I couldn’t get it back in because of the disaster that happened in there. Little gnomes had been busy in our pantry behind closed doors and caused disarray. Bags everywhere. Stray potatoes, onions, mystery what-may-have-once-been-food items and, yes, dog food littered the floor.
I got a bee in my bonnet.
Out it all came!
I swept. I picked up my too many aprons for one woman and rehung them on the hook. It fell off the wall. Not to worry! I have time! I went into the garage and found John’s drill and some screws and attacked the hangy thingy. Before coffee. In my jammies. Okay, it did not go well. But after six tries, in went the hook, up went the aprons (except for two because now seemed like the perfect time to go through and remove the ones torn up and never to see the light of day again).
I still had the power drill. What else could I hang? I had another hook I had recently taken down from the wall in my son’s room, so into the wall of the closet it went! YAY! I was going to hang up all the cloth bags that every self-respecting grocery shopper uses nowadays. (And which I constantly forget to bring when I go grocery shopping.)
I’m organized! I’m a woman with a drill!
The bags were too wide to go onto the hook.
I need to recognize my weaknesses. I’m not a morning person. I’m a "cut first, then measure" kind of gal.
Case in point: I painted a room yesterday. Totally wrong color. I’m repainting a room today with the help of a couple of more careful friends, because I’ve got nothing but time. Oy.
They say necessity is the mother of invention. Think crock pots, spackle, white out, and caller ID. I needed to replenish the dog food. The room needed paining. I needed to ask for help. And someone else to make me coffee.
Tomorrow, I’ll have tea.