It's in the Details
October 11, 2010
Last weekend was a Captivating retreat up at Frontier Ranch in Buena Vista, Colorado. It was, in every possible and impossible way, simply beautiful. God is SO faithful! Oh, how he loves it when his women pay such a cost in time, money, effort, gather to seek his heart. And he comes! He came gently, powerfully, heavily. And he came intimately.
I'm just getting some stories in woman whose favorite breakfast is french toast asked God if he would give her a special love gift of french toast for breakfast. How she smiled Sunday morning when she came in to the dining room to plates overflowing with french toast.
Another woman was being wooed by Jesus to remember how close they had once been - how sweet their relationship - and inviting her back to his heart when we played her all time favorite worship song that held memories dear to her heart of her Lord. A song she hadn't heard in years. She wept.
Actually, there are hundreds of stories. Literally. Women who so deeply longed to hear the voice of God in their spirit - and did. Felt his deep affection. Encountered his love. Worshipped him with a passion, intimacy and sweetness they had never experienced before. Will never be the same.
He came for me in heart rocks. He's been wonderfully extravagant with them! He even gave me a heart cloud with wings on either side of it! I love how personal, how sweet his gifts to us are.
How is he coming to you? Ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to see and receive his loving pursuit - his intimate gifts, just for you. He is a God of details. :-)