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A Thank You to Life Givers

Stasi Eldredge

May 8, 2010




The Pastor's Wifeby Sabina Wurmbrand:  (speaking of time in a Romanian prison camp)

"So we argued the night away.  The prisoners murmured and grimaced in their sleep.  Names were muttered, or cried aloud; of children, fathers, lovers, friends.  But most often, the word 'Mother!'  Age and class had lost all meaning as they dreamt, and the soul in distress whispered from its depths the old cry.

 It went deeper than a simple appeal to one's own parent.  It was a cry for the eternal female tenderness and motherly care which exists for us in heaven."


Happy Mother's Day all.  This is a shout out to women everywhere.  All of you! Being a mother is a glorious, amazing, exhausting thing.  A great gift.  And though not all women are mothers, ALL women are life givers. Really. The look in your eye.  The thoughtful remark. The kind gesture.  The fierce strength on behalf of others.  The heart you carry.  It all brings LIFE.  Life to a needy soul and a weary world.  Life to ministries, creative works, businesses, missions, relationships, and people. Every woman is an image bearer of our Life Giving God.  

I have benefited so much and so many times from the gentle and strong offerings of life from women.  I just returned from the grocery store and while there ran into a neighbor from eight years ago. Such a pleasure to catch happy.  She brought me delight!  Such a simple thing.  Got home to a phone call from a woman friend who's poor health and handicaps keep her shut in for most of her hours.  She's in pain but offers me and others mercy.  Love. Encouragement to be aware and grateful for each moment of our lives.  Two life givers in twenty minutes!  Hooray!

My mother was a life giver.  Oh, I wish I had had the eyes to see and the heart to appreciate all that she did and spent on and for me while she was still alive.  I lay in bed last night just remembering - and thanking God - and looking forward to the day that is coming when I will look her in the eyes again and be able to truly say, "Thank you, Mom".

I ramble.  But I ramble with a grateful heart. Bless you women of God. May you know his pleasure and delight for the myriad and countless ways you are bringing HIM to others.  They may not thank you. Not yet.  But God sees. And on behalf of him and the ones in your life, thank you. Happy Mother's Day.  


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