Articles & Posts

The Invasion Worked

John Eldredge

December 19, 2019

December 2019

Dear Friends and Allies,

A very Merry Christmastide to you all! This letter comes with love and blessings from our whole team! 

Now, I know this is a ridiculously busy time of year for most of us. We take our already hurried lives, with so much going on, so much pulling at us, and we pile on the various pressures and obligations of the holidays. Like a camel, already carrying a maximum load, asked to bear a few more packages and pick up its pace for the last few miles.  


So I’m going to be kind, and keep this letter brief. 

Because what you need is solace, and a moment’s sanity—not more media coming your way. 

Pause, and let it all go. What’s yet to be done, the news you just received, the disappointment you already feel creeping in, the fact that you’re behind on nearly everything. Just pause, and let it go. 

And now, ask God for a greater measure of his love in you, a greater measure of his life in you. For the supernatural grace you need for the holidays...and afterwards.

All I want to do today is to remind you that it worked. The invasion worked. The Incarnation worked. The entire plan worked. Jesus came. He overthrew the kingdom of darkness. He rescued you from sin and evil and this mad world. He has restored you to your Father. He is healing your humanity. Your future is utterly secure now...and breathtaking.

We celebrate our rescue. We celebrate our homecoming. We celebrate the fact that the Second Coming is just around the corner, and he will come, just as surely as he did the first time when nobody thought it would happen. O, it will happen...and soon. The best news in any story, ever.

So, Merry Christmas dear ones! We look forward to walking with you in 2020.



PS. I hope you get a chance to listen to our Christmas podcasts the weeks of December 16 and 23. There’s a special blessing for you during Christmas week I think you’ll enjoy. And it’s a short one, like this letter.

Download the Wild at Heart December 2019.  

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