Articles & Posts

Jesus Stories

John Eldredge

October 29, 2024

I have some wonderful stories to share with you. Jesus stories.

Hearing Jesus at work in other people’s lives, in all sorts of situations around the world, strengthens our own hearts and encourages our intimacy with him…and our hope for what he might do in our lives!

More than a year ago, I began sending out video updates every Friday by email. Short messages from my heart. The response has been breathtaking.

I wish I had the right words to express how TIMELY all these messages are in my life, but especially the last TWO! The thoughts shared by John are direct answers from Jesus about deep and tender issues in my life and prayers. I type this out through tears filled with mixed emotions. Gosh, this journey is an excruciating and amazing experience. Thank you for this ministry's continued commitment to God, Truth, Courage, and Love!!

(By the way, if you aren’t getting my Friday videos and would like to, get on our website, log in, and sign up for the weekly email. That way, you also get to see our gorgeous new website, which we launched a few months ago!)

We also made a decision to put our Wild at Heart podcast on YouTube as a way of reaching a whole new audience. The results have been far beyond our hopes. (YouTube is the #2 search engine in the world; millions of people go there looking for answers to their questions.) Here’s one response from someone who found us there:

A woman I dated handed me a Bible and a copy of W@H. I read and re-read the book knowing there was something there, but like a silhouette in a fog, I couldn't make out what it was. Papa God simply spoke to me, You. Weren't. Fathered. Those three words completely interrupted (thankfully!) the trajectory of my life. Shortly thereafter in the sacred quiet of my living room one morning, He spoke to me with such kindness and compassion and simply asked, Will you let Me love you??? In that moment I felt so raw, naked, exposed, vulnerable, and childish. Though I wanted to recoil into my poser, I knew in the depths of my being I needed desperately to receive His love. I relented…and in that moment I felt an immense sense of strong, secure, and safe fatherly arms wrapping around me and ministering to my boy-heart in a way I never could've imagined. God has used your revelation and story capacity to connect with me. "I get it" when you say it. I understand. 

Lots and lots of these stories are pouring in now from new YouTube followers. 

One of the greatest movements over the years for our ministry is the number of women finding Jesus and his healing through our work. This thrills us. 

Last year, I listened to your podcast series on spiritual warfare and heard about the concept of “agreements” for the first time. I thought I was decently seasoned in spiritual warfare after living in an area where witchcraft was the predominant practice. But after hearing John speak on agreements, I asked Jesus to show me any places in my heart where I had made agreements. Jesus answered. He took me back to my middle school years where somehow I had made an agreement that I would not be able to get pregnant, and even if I did, the baby would not survive. I have no idea where this thought came from, or why a 12-year-old girl would even think this, but an agreement had been made that stayed with me into my marriage. I immediately prayed for forgiveness for coming into this agreement and asked Jesus to come in and fill that space and sanctify it. Within a month of praying and canceling that agreement, I became pregnant! The story gets even better. The day I found out I was pregnant, my husband was away in Africa on a mission trip. I decided to wait until he came home to tell him the news. Upon returning home, my husband told me he decided to try the Prayer of Descent for the first time. He said during the prayer he heard Jesus tell him, Angel is pregnant… and it’s a girl. Sure enough, spring of this year we welcomed our baby girl into the world. There were complications towards the end of my pregnancy, during which I clung to the hope that Jesus himself knew our daughter and that there was no agreement of death on the table. My doctor said it was a miracle our daughter was alive and that past babies born under the same circumstances had died at the hospital we were at. Your knowledge and guidance on prayer and application helped us grow closer to Jesus on a deeper level than we knew we could ask for. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for the work you are doing at Wild at Heart.

Reading these stories makes me love Jesus so much!

One reason we have made our presence known on YouTube is to prepare the ground for the release of our new film series Wild at Heart: The Series, which premiered on October 11. The response has been phenomenal! By the time you read this, we will have nearly 40,000 “views” of episode one. That number probably represents 80,000 people, because we know many folks have been hosting “watch parties” as they share the message and talk about it with their groups.

The night of the premiere, I got this text from a friend, also a therapist, and a longtime advocate of this ministry: 

Oh my gosh, I’m so excited to watch the premiere tonight!! In my head I thought, I bet John and Jesus had a talk about this, and Jesus told you to release it for free on YouTube instead of Netflix and to trust him for the finances. Right? Hopefully, by the end of this month, I will have more money to give. What did this project cost? 

The answer is…over a million dollars. It takes a lot to do all we are doing in the world to heal human hearts and bring people into a genuine life with Jesus. And it is WORTH IT!!!

A few times a year, I write to make our needs known and to ask if you would help fund this beautiful mission. We need to raise several million dollars by the end of the year, and I know your heart leaps like my friend’s to help us! Every gift is precious to us, from $5 to $50,000. Every gift is precious.

So thank you, thank you in advance for helping us. To give, you can scan the QR code, use our app or website, or send a check in the enclosed envelope.

Thanks, everyone! Let’s keep rescuing lives together!

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