A Chance Encounter?
February 18, 2010
So, I'm walking across the parking lot today back towards Whole Foods. I'd finished my shopping, put the bags in my truck, but I'd forgotten a fork. To eat my lunch. Anyhow, I'm walking cross the parking lot when I hear a voice yell, "John!"
I look around, don't see anyone, and keep walking. I hear, "John Eldredge?" and this time I see a guy climbing out of his car, smile on his face. He introduces himself, a Wild at Heart Boot Camp alum from two years ago. It was good to see him. "I'm leading some guys through Fathered by God!" he said. "Wow, way to go! How are things going?" I asked. Tears welled up in his eyes. "My wife is having an affair." I was devastated for him. We talked for a bit about what is going on, he held back the tears, we prayed. Then we parted. I'm still sobered by it. A chance encounter? This man doesn't even live in Colorado. I never, ever walk back into the store for a second time. It was Jesus, I know. And partly it was for this good man, so we could talk, and pray. But God was also speaking through the encounter to me...to us. Stasi and I never planned to write a marriage book, you see. It stills feels weird that we have. But I am seeing more and more that this is the Next Front in the Great War. The enemy is raging, and homes are falling. "There is evil all over her," this man I spoke with in the parking lot said. Indeed, there is. Against all of us, married or single. And so I find myself thinking about what it means to strengthen ourselves in God. We say our prayers, every day, because it strengthens us and prepares us for what may come. (I think most of us realize we must be strong in Christ for whatever may come.) What about strengthening our relationships as well? They need it, though it might not seem like they do. This man didn't think so. Not till now.