Wellspring at Proverbs 4:23
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Wellspring at Proverbs 4:23

"Guard and keep your heart for out of it flow the springs of life."

...A ministry of discipleship and sharing with women of all ages emphasizing the messages from Ransomed Heart Ministry, Captivating, Captivating Advanced, and other themed retreats to be held in various parts of the country.  Our team will go anywhere there is a desire to gather women for a time of growing in an intimate, authentic, conversational relationship with Jesus.  

The events are typically two or three nights with time for sharing the message, personal application through solitude and conversation with Jesus, good food and spiritual fellowship with a community of like-minded believers.  After the retreat, we will follow up with an ongoing "virtual community" through MeWe and someone to contact for additional support and resources.  


Ministry Objectives:

Our desire is to lead women into a deeply personal, intimate, conversational relationship with Jesus that is more than they've ever had or imagined.

Offering an atmosphere that calls forth the Spirit of God to minister healing and hope to women.

We want women to know their unique roll in God's plan and the myriad of ways He will come to give them the desires of their heart. 


For upcoming events & information regarding scheduling, please contact

Jamie Goeringer - 928-899-6999

Etta Webster - 828-455-6519


Primary Contact: 
Jamie Goeringer